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George Bizos ICON – Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Auckland.

Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Auckland friends & colleagues,

An 87 minute Documentary

The touching story of a teenage refugee from Greece (1927-2020), George Bizos, who became a relentless human-rights lawyer in the crucible of a violent racist regime and a champion of constitutionalism in South Africa and was key in its creation, advocating legal rights for the poor, and holding perpetrators of violence and corruption to account.

The following is a link to Trailer and Cinema Bookings for :

– Sydney (5 May),

– Melbourne (8 May),

– Adelaide (8 May)

– Auckland (12 May)

Executive Producer/ Director Jane Thandi Lipman and partner, Alexi Bizos (George’s son) in attendance at Q&A after screenings.

Associate Producer and Agora Dialogue’s Alumnus, George Georgiou, in attendance in Adelaide and Auckland.

Chair at Melbourne’s screening Q&A: Dr. Jenny Webb, Alumnus, Senior Moderator and Patron, moderator and alumnus of Agora Dialogue.

–   Agora Dialogue proudly supports the special tribute documentary on George Bizos – the highly esteemed lifelong friend, comrade and lawyer of Nelson Mandela and one of the architects of South Africa’s constitution, who helped save Nelson Mandela from expected death penalty.

George Bizos was a Founding Father and Patron of Agora Dialogue.

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