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What’s the real price of getting rid of plastic packaging?

The Economics of Change

  • Crunching the numbers of how much switching might cost us

How much would it cost to switch to plastic alternatives? Richard Gray crunches the numbers.

  • By Richard Gray
  • BBC

Walking along a short section of stony beach, Claire Waluda stoops briefly to pick up something from between the rocks.

SARANGKOT, KASKI DISTRICT, NEPAL - 2016/10/02: Empty Coca Cola bottles in crates are piling up. (Photo by Frank Bienewald/LightRocket via Getty Images)
SARANGKOT, KASKI DISTRICT, NEPAL – 2016/10/02: Empty Coca Cola bottles in crates are piling up. (Photo by Frank Bienewald/LightRocket via Getty Images)

It is a brightly coloured plastic bottle top – just one of hundreds of bits of plastic that she finds washed ashore on the remote, windswept island of South Georgia.

Located in the south Atlantic, on the fringes of the Antarctic, it is nearly 1,000 miles (1,500km) from the nearest major human settlement.

Yet even here…

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