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In question is not the territory of the Republic of Cyprus but the British bases

The British Ministry of Defence presented a map depicting a dismembered Republic of Cyprus.

In the process of displaying maps of countries condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, they depicted Cyprus without the occupied territories and without the two British bases.

  • Georghios Colocassides *

This constitutes an unacceptable challenge of the de jure situation in Cyprus where the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, according to international law, extends to the whole of Cyprus (the so called sovereign status of the bases is very much in question), but de facto and due to the Turkish invasion cannot be exercised over the occupied part.

Is Britain pushing for the recognition of the pseudo-state?

If the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the occupied territories is not recognised, to whom do they belong?

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus ought not to sidestep the issue. It must exert pressure on the United Kingdom for a public retraction.

The United Kingdom has the obligation to protect the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus and not to collude in its dismemberment.

As far of the so-called sovereignty of the British bases is concerned, it should have already been challenged based on the judgement of the International Court on the Chagos Islands.

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